tisdag 31 december 2013

10 sure ways to gain weight - 9 - Over intake of calories

9. Make sure to have a daily over intake of calories

Eat more than you burn! When you're up to 6000 extra calories you have formed one kilogram adipose tissue. So-so 100 extra calories a day for two months is enough.

100 calories is equivalent to either 2 ounces of beer, 1.5 cups of wine, 2 sodas, 1 tablespoon cooking oil or 50g chocolate pudding. Sad but true.

söndag 29 december 2013

10 sure ways to gain weight - 8 - Eat plenty during fall and winter

8. Eat plenty during fall and winter

Let the body think it needs to store up power when daylight shrinks and cold, hunger and misery awaits. 
Give in to the drowsiness that comes with reduced insolation and chill out instead of being on the move!

Add with plenty of Christmas food over the weekends. I guarantee that you will gain some weight that will be difficult to starve away next year.

Drought, rain and cold affect the availability of food. In the past, we had to store the food supply and body fat to withstand starvation periods. Today, many of us have an abundance of food year round. Despite this, the body clock is stubbornly directing us to stock up before starvation.

We know that the mammals in the north will increase their blood cholesterol and fat deposits during the fall. The same is true for humans?

Many of us put on weight during the autumn and winter. A north Swede weigh more in average than swedes more south does. Some are lucky enough, or determined enough, to go down during the spring and summer. Other adds on layers of fat. Christmas dinner, food at the wrong time and irregular eating habits accelerates the process .

The word Bankruptcy means?

One of the most common theories on the origin of the word "bankruptcy" comes from a mixing of the ancient Latin words bancus (bench or table) and ruptus (broken). When a banker, who originally conducted his public marketplace transactions on a bench, was unable to continue lending and meet obligations, the bench was broken in a symbolic show of failure and inability to negotiate.

As a result of the frequency of this practice in Medieval Italy, the current term bankrupt is commonly believed to spring specifically from the translation of banco rotto, Italian for broken bank.
Although Italy today has a very weak economy you can perhaps say that the market economy theories come from here, through Machiavelli's outrageously perceptive feats during the late 1400s.

The word broke that is commonly used in the English speaking countries might well have the same origin.

(Others have speculated that the word's origin actually stems from the French expression banque route, table trace. This phrase relates to the metaphorical practice of only a sign left at the site of a banker's table once there and now gone. This practice involved those who fled quickly­ escaping with money that had been entrusted to them.)

Source Wikipedia and bankruptcydata.com

fredag 27 december 2013

How many countries are there?

Since the late 1800s, virtually all livable country in the world has benn broken up into states. Prior to that, large areas without pretension or uninhabited, or inhabited by nomads without an organized state.

Currently there are more than 200 political associations which either claim to be or are recognized as states. 193 countries are full members of the United Nations, and 194 is often referred to as a number for how many states there are in the world. Aside from the 193 Member States, United Nations also accepts the Vatican as a state that does not have a vote in the UN, but only has observer status. The independence of the Vatican, is internationally recognized since 1929 and it also has authority over Italy in religious matters.

An interesting detail is that there are more than 200 states that claim to be recognized as a state. Australia has a list of no less than 240 countries and trading partners. And as curiosities, the international football federation, FIFA has 208 member countries!

Source: Wikipedia

10 sure ways to gain weight - 7 - Skip meals

7. Believe that you burn fat by skipping meals.

Well you start to burn stored fat if you skip meals in more than nine hours.

Skipping meals within 9 hours does not take body energy from stored fat, but uses carbohydrates from the liver and protein from body tissues in the first place. When you miss a meal, chances that you will be extra hungry increases as well as eating too much at the next meal.

torsdag 26 december 2013

10 sure ways to gain weight - 6 - Eat irregularly

6. Eat irregularly

Your body will be confused and increases the enzymes that help storing body fat. It will act as if it never knows when the food will come next time.

By eating irregularly, you also become more angry and distracted because your body puts food search before anything else.

måndag 23 december 2013

Why is it called Cappuccino?

The word " cappuccino " originates from the Italian word for hood; "cappuccio", with particular reference to the brown color on the hood of the Capuciner monks dress.
Cappuccino is made ​​with equal parts espresso, steamed milk and milk foam and is originally a breakfast drink in their home country Italy

Cappuccino Scuro (dark in Italian) is a stronger version of cappuccino and is almost a mix between caffè macchiato and cappuccino, chiaro meaning light is a cappuccino with more milk and less coffee. Freddo cappuccino is a cappuccino with ice. If you order cappuccino con panna you will get a cappuccino with whipped cream.

In Italy Coffee with milk means breakfastDo you love cappuccino , you can get problems. Now, if you necessarily need to have milk in your coffee, you should drink it i the morning, before 10 am, and at the breakfast table. Already at 11 o'clock, the Italians will raise their eyebrows if you order a cappuccino.

Café Latte also contains milk,pretty much even . Accordingly, please be so kind and drink your latte before 10 in the morning.

Macchiato is an Espresso with a little warm milk.And the weird is that this one, you can drink at any time of the day, despite the fact that it contains milk. Who said you have to be consistent ?

Drink espresso in two gulps
During the day you drink espresso when you want, often quite frequent . The espresso is served in a small cup and should be drunk with two sips , preferably on the spot if you want to act really cool . In Italy they do not serve double espressos like all over the rest of the World. Here they drink "un Caffé" , but more often instead. Keep in mind that in the evening, at dinner, you should drink the coffee last. Thus you should not insist on getting the coffee with your dessert . The coffee should be drunk after dinner. In Italy "un Caffé " sets the point after a good meal

10 sure ways to gain weight - 5 - Eat all the time

5. Eat constantly

Eating many small meals a day is a good ground for weight gain.

Sure, you can spread out the eating how many times over the day, but then you have to eat the same amount of calories that you eat three times a day.

And that is what we rarely are capable of.

To feel full, you must first feel hungry. But when eating often you set satiety signals out of order because it becomes impossible to achieve a true state of hunger between meals.

Do you eat often, you achieve not the same feeling of satisfaction as when you eat infrequently. The risk is great that you take in a little extra and will therefore eat a lot more than if you eat reasonable amounts at regular times.

lördag 21 december 2013

10 sure ways to gain weight - 4 - Skip breakfast

4. Skip the breakfast.

The body needs to replenish it's supply of carbohydrates after sleep. Skipping breakfast is contrary to what your body is tuned to. As the body is set to take in and store carbohydrates it has a hard time to shift and begin to burn stored energy efficiently in the morning.

And you also risk to become too hungry and eat too mych at lunch instead.

fredag 20 december 2013

Global Warming strengthens the Gulf Stream?

If the theories I have read and communicated in the previous posts are correct, the picture is different than many horror movies about a stalling Gulf Stream showes. Is the conclusion that global warming overall, rather contribute to an increase in salinity in the North Atlantic, despite the melting of the Greenland ice sheet?

Global warming could thus create conditions for the trade winds to remove fresh water from the Atlantic Ocean?

Calculation made ​​by the researchers suggest that the increase in global warming increases water transport to the Pacific Ocean through the atmosphere at a higher tempo than matched by the increase in the supply of fresh water from the Greenland ice sheet.

With an increasing global warming, we can in this case assume that the Gulf Stream is strengthened rather than weakened in the future.

But what happens in the Pacific when the salinity drops there? Even more El Niño? It's an all too confusing question to answer for me.

10 sure ways to gain weight - 3 - Eat at night

3. Eat at night

At night, the body's metabolic is set to burn intercalated energy instead to replenish the supply. A lot indicates that

You can
help to raise the level of dangerous blood fats and increase the weight by eating at night.

torsdag 19 december 2013

Will a Warmer climate stop the Gulf Stream part III

One thing that complicates the whole argument about the melting of ice sheets and lower salinities in the North Atlantic is something so unexpected as winds. There is is a constant westerly wind blowing, a so-called TRADE WIND , at the same latitude as the Panama Canal. In that part of the Atlantic much fresh water naturally evaporates because of the heat. The Tradewind then transports this water westward to the Pacific Ocean. This increases the salinity of the Atlantic and decreases it instead in  the Pacific !
The trade winds help to keep up the salinity of the Atlantic. The question is whether the increased supply of fresh water in the North Atlantic, by melting ice, may over- compensate for the wind borne removal to the Pacific Ocean so that the salinity of the North Atlantic is still dropping and mixing operations cease (read previous posts).

The data reported by the UN climate commission shows that the surface layer in the Pacific have become fresher in recent years while the surface of the Atlantic Ocean has become more saline . The calculations show that salinity reduction in the Pacific represents a loss of freshwater from the Atlantic which are significantly larger than the contributions by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet . What do they really mean? The salinity may well be increasing instead of decreasing in the Atlantic!

10 sure ways to gain weight - 2 - Eat a lot in the evening

2. Eat a huge meal late in the evening

In the evening the body's metabolism and energy expenditure falls.

A hearty meal effectively prevents the body's desire to burn stored body fat during the night.

onsdag 18 december 2013

10 sure ways to add weight - 1 sleep irregularly

1. Sleep irregularly

Sleep too little and then take a nap during the day instead. Then the body's rhythm get out of order. You'll guaranteed be tired and angry and maybe eats some in order to get refreshed. Sleep Debt also makes you a little less smart.

We depend on the body clock for our survival. Sleep is needed to repair the body and soul. Anyone who does not sleep eventually die.

The environment helps us to set the body clock , primarily through alternation of light and darkness.
If we isolate from the outside world the clock continues to tick - but in a different tempo. It is different compared to the watch and calendar. NAturally, you would create a sleep/activity-cycle that is longer than 24 hours.
The more an evening person you are, the longer day you create. The majority create a cycle that is 25 hours, some still up to 28 hours

Humans are diurnalborn to be active during the day. We have poor night vision. Our circadian wants to control us to be alert, active and eating during the day. At night we should sleep and fast.


Läs mer bl.a. på http://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/den-biologiska-klockan/

tisdag 17 december 2013

Why is it called Green of envy?

You who are reading this may already know, but I will reveal my lack of knowledge in the history of religionWhat I found out, I thought was interesting and hope you do too.

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism and was in the Middle Ages the most important guiding principle for the Ten Commandments.

Each deadly sin is represented by a color and an animal. Additionally, there was a basic penalty for each of the sins.

I do not know if it is the artist, painting the above or me who are color blind, but the explanations below does not fit the picture to 100 %.
Colors of the seven sins
Pride = Violet.
Greed = Yellow.
Lust = Blue.
Envy = Green.
Gluttony = Orange
Wrath = Red.
Laziness = Light Blue.
Animals of the seven sins
Pride = Horse, donkey and peacock.
Greed = crop.
Lust = Cow, bull, rooster or goat.
Envy = dog or goat.
Overeating = Pig.
Wrath = Bull.
Laziness = Goat or donkey

And the punishments? It is good that they do not apply today. Right?

Pride - break on the wheel (crush limbs)
Greed - to sit in a cauldron of boiling oil. (Fondue?)
Lust - to become smeared with fire and brimstone (where do you get sulfur?)
Envy - to sit in iced water
Gluttony - to eat rats, toads and snakes
Wrath - to be cut up alive
Laziness - to be thrown into a snake pit

Why do people have different color on the skin?

How come that natural selection has given man different colour of the skin in different parts of the world?
- It is because of the strength in solar radiation at different latitudes, in combination with what we originally have fed upon!

The reason why we even need the pigment (melanin) in the skin, is that it captures the sun's UV radiation. This protects our DNA and other molecules in the cells from damage.

Everything indicates that man in the beginning had much melanin and thus dark skin and that some groups of people have developed lighter skin as an adaptation to new environments.

The researchers believe that the key factor behind the fact that some parts of humanity are brighter than others, is our need of vitamin D. The useful form of vitamin D is abundant in the diet it is believed that hunter-gatherers ate . But people who mainly feed on cereals (like we do in Europe) may only get a precursor of vitamin D that needs to be converted to the actual vitamin D by UV-radiation from the sun. 

Since the dark pigment protects against UV light , a strong pigmented human who mainly eat cereal and live in an environment with little sunlight will get too little vitamin D.

It is believed therefore that farming people have been subjected to selection to push back the amount of melanin to exactly the level that makes it possible to produce enough vitamin D during the winter. As the sun declines with distance to the Equator have therefor grain-eating peoples become increasingly brighter , the farther from the equator they settled

Nuts, seeds, almonds are tasty but fat

Have you ever heard of the oil lamps? They were used in ancient times to light up in the. Do you think they were filled with fossil oil that someone already then drilled for? O no, the oil lamps were using olive oil, sunflower oil etc. So energetic that it is possible to burn.
Some examples of energy-rich seeds, nuts and almonds below. kcal/100gram
Sunflower seeds - 560
Peanuts dried - 587
Cashew nuts - 590


Sweet almond dried - 609
Hazelnuts - 656
Pistachios - 656
Walnuts - 669

The above are often included in healthy nut mixes that you can buy in almost any shop.
Potatoes - 78
100 grams is not at all that much so you can easily get calories equivalent to half a kg of potatoes by taking a hefty handful of nuts
An adult man needs about 1500 - 2000 calories per day. A normal bag of nuts usually contain about 250 grams that is equivalent to almost the entire daily requirement of energy.

Sharks feed on fossil fuels??

Revolutionary new research demonstrates that for example sharks and rays lay their eggs in the warm deep water pockets where volcanic activity heats the water and thus creates a completely separate food chain.

It is not in itself nothing new that life thrives around deep-sea volcanoes, far from sunlight and photosynthesis.

That it creates its own ecosystem of bacteria that feed on methane and sulfur instead of oxygen and sunlight are also known . Clams and worms feed on the bacteria and the question is whether the shark and ray fry do it too?

For us humans , this is defenitely news . That there are animals high in the food chain that partially feed from a system that is not driven by photosynthesis. Odd .

For sharks and rays, it is however no news . Paleontologists have found fossils from tapeworms that lived in similar underwater volcanoes, and also fossil shark eggs too. At least 200 million years old.

You feel a little paltry facing such huge numbers

But it sure is amazing! ?

How much fresh water are there on Earth?

If the Earth were flat, it would be covered with a 2700 meter thick layer of water. Of this, 70 meter would be fresh water, of which only 20 meters would be free water that is not tied up in ice!

There is an incredible amount of water on the Earth and in the atmosphere. It is estimated that there are 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water, of which 42 million cubic kilometers is fresh water. Most fresh water is tied up in ice in glaciers and at the poles.

Only 1% of the fresh water is considered to be accessible to people, animals and plants. It is believed that 50% of this is used.

So there is plenty of fresh water available for today's life forms, and it also seems to be a real possibility to be able to use more water.

A major problem is that the resources are unevenly distributed. In many of the world's most populated parts the water resources are most scarce. The warm climate makes it favourable for people to live, but the water supply is low.