måndag 10 januari 2011

Small and big big scale use of resorces

Would you simply say that everything that does not disturb the natural cycle is environmentally friendly?

It would mean that anyone using a natural rersourse, in small or big scale, in one way or another may not return it to the ecosystem, wiyhout restoring it?

A clear example of how small scale becomes large scale is the use of water closets. A toilet uses about 6 liters of fresh water to flush out the contents.

In Mexico, at least 30 percent of all water drains are released directly into the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico. There are about 110 million people in Mexico who flushes out a total of 6 liters of fresh water after each visit three times a day. 18 liters per 100 million people will be 1.8 billion liter of water a day where at least 30%, ie about 600 million liters, of sewage goes straight out into the sea. Every day! And water is a scarce commodity?

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