måndag 19 december 2011

Madden-Julian Oscillation and cyclical changes in wind direction

In the early 1970s, the American meteorologists Roland Madden and Paul Julian discovered a wide area with enhanced thunderstorms and rains, which, are constantly on the move eastward around the equator and also creates changes in wind, air pressure and temperature.

In other words: There's a weather system travelling around the Earth on and on and on.

The Madden-Julian Oscillation moves, eastward at a speed of 5-10 m / s. It takes 30-60 days for it to complete one lap and the phenomena is most noticeable in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific.

After the explosion of the volcanic island of Krakatoa in the Indonesian archipelago in 1883 one could observe how the dust pushed westward around the equator at 30-50 km altitude. 25 years later the Polish-German meteorologist Arthur Berson observed, when he was flying in his balloon in East Africa, that it began to push eastward when they reached 15 km altitude.

The fact that these two wind systems were really the same was discovered first in 1957-58 during the British atomic bomb experiments on Christmas Island, where extensive wind measurements were made.

Thus, it was discovered that the winds around the equator in a layer between 15 to 50 km alternates between easterly and westerly direction with an approximal periodicity of 26 months. Why the wind switch direction in this way and in addition why every twenty-sixth month, no one has really been able to explain yet!!! Anyway, the phenomena is called Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)

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